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Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Kew Garden

这一个星期内我去了2个不同的地方----> Kew Garden + Amsterdam...
还蛮累的...先po Kew Garden的吧....真的很大...大得都走不完呢...

下次有空再po Amsterdam的....


Anonymous said...

so nice

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Mishilicious Mishi said...

My GOD girl..you are so pretty!!!
stay happy:-)

Tulla said...

amazing photos :)

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Infinity Wallpaper said...

Great photos

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Eline S. said...

I like your blog!!
Love the photos in this post!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Great photos

苡蓉 said...

But you didn't upload Amsterm for 5 years.